
Full-Time Professional Training Programme in Kathak Dance

Full-time Professional Training Programme in Kathak Dance

The Kendra offers a four-year full-time Professional Training in Kathak Dance under the supervision of senior eminent Guru Jai Kishan Maharaj, son of Pandit Birju Maharaj. The training will be imparted to selected students who are willing to commit themselves fully to their chosen field of Kathak Dance. The object of the programme is to groom Kathak artists  of high standard who may excel in the field of dance as performers or teachers.

Selected students will be required to attend classes in the main subject as well as allied subjects, from morning to evening, six days a week. The mandatory allied subjects are Hindustani Classical Vocal, and Tabla/Pakhawaj

Prior Training in Kathak Dance
The applicant should have suitable prior training in Kathak Dance which may be equivalent to the Certificate Course of Shriram Bharatiya Kala Kendra or the Foundation Course of Kathak Kendra, Delhi.

Minimum age at the entry level is from 16 years to 25 years.

Educational Qualifications
Secondary School certificate

Selection Process
Those who are keen to join the programme may apply on the prescribed Application form. An audition will be held for selection of the students.

Programme Fee
Rs. 7,500/- per month for Indians and SAARC nationals and USD 200 for foreign nationals, in addition to the admission charges.

A limited number of Scholarships are awarded to deserving candidates. The most deserving may receive full scholarship and their tuition fee will be waived off.

Hostel & Food Facility
Candidates from outside Delhi may avail accommodation, if available, in Kendra’s hostel on payment. A few deserving candidates may be given free hostel and food facility.